We protect your privacy as if it were our own. We use the information you provide to us for three purposes only: to process your order(s), to reply to your questions, and to incorporate your feedback into improvements to our web site. We will not give, sell, or rent your personal information or specific account activity to anyone for any reason.

Our secure ordering:

We use secure socket layer (ssl) technology to encrypt the information you send us when you place your order, and we also take several steps to protect your personal information in our facilities. Access to your personal information is restricted. Only employees who need access to your personal information to perform a specific job are granted access to your personal information. Finally, we rely on third-party service providers for the physical security of some of our computer hardware. We believe that their security procedures are adequate.

Information we collect:

In designing our website, we started with the simple belief that customer service is our number one priority. Therefore the customer information we collect is used to enhance our services and order processing to our customers.

When you visit our website, we collect information about your visit: 

We collect your ip address, browser type, domain name, and we log the length of time of your visit and the number of times you purchase from us. We assign you a unique customer number to help keep track of your future visits. We keep this information for our internal use; we do not share it with others.



Our site uses cookies to store information between visits to our site:


Cookies are a mechanism to remember information about a visitor from one page to another. Web browsers store cookies so that the browser itself can remember some information and then, on request, pass all that information up to the server at one time. We use cookies to remember your name and the contents of your shopping cart. This allows you to leave our site, come back later, and still have the contents of your shopping cart intact. It also lets us personalize your experience, tailoring the content to your interests. Our website requires the use of cookies. Turning off cookies or rejecting the cookie will prevent you from accessing the website.




We have third-party relationships:

We use third-party intermediaries. When you purchase from us, we send your credit card information, name, and billing address to credit card companies for verification and to authorize your purchase. Your information does not get transferred anywhere else or sold - for any purpose.


Information use and disclosure:

We use your personal information to process your order and provide you with customer service. We may internally use your personal information to improve our site's content and layout, to improve our outreach and for our own marketing efforts (including marketing our services and products to you), and to determine general marketplace information about visitors to this site.


Communications with you:

We will use your personal information to communicate with you about our site and your orders and deliveries. Also, we may send you a confirmation email when you register with us. We may send you a service-related announcement on the rare occasions when it is necessary (for example, if we must temporarily suspend our service for maintenance.) Also, you may submit your email address for reasons such as to request us to notify you when we receive a new brand, new product style, or product; to sign up for our email newsletter and special offers; if you submit your email address, we use it to deliver the information to you. We always permit you to unsubscribe or opt out of future emails (see opt out section, below, for more details). Because we have to communicate with you about orders that you choose to place, you cannot opt out of receiving emails related to your orders.


How we notify you of changes to our privacy policy:

Whenever we change our privacy policy, we will post a notice on our website indicating that a new version is available. If we change how it uses a users personally identifiable information, the user will be notified by email and they may opt-out at that time. However, if you have opted-out of all communication with the site you will not be contacted, nor will your personally identifiable information be used in this new manner.



Contacting the web site:

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this web site, you can send mail to us.

Sharing and transfer of personal information

The controller may transfer personal information of customers to primary third-party suppliers, acting as “data processors” (the “processors”), for the purpose of performing business operations in order to fulfil their contractual obligations.

The controller will make their best effort to ensure that all processors will apply their industry best practice to protect personal information and that they will not use personal information for any other purposes than those agreed with the controller.

For instance, the controller may share personal information with the following categories of processors:

-couriers and postal operators;

-fulfilment centers and warehouses;

-advertising, digital, marketing and social media agencies;

-it service providers;

-customer care service providers;

-payment service providers.

In such cases, sharing personal information with the processors is necessary for the controller to fulfil their contractual obligations and, also, to improve the site’s products and services.

Users can request an updated list of the processors involved in the processing of personal information relevant to the site’s activities by writing an email to us.

The controller must always reserve the right to disclose personal information about users as required by law (for instance, in response to law enforcement requests), and where needed to protect the rights of the controller or its affiliates or third parties. Moreover, personal information may be disclosed to other companies within the same corporate group of each of the controller, or to third parties in the event of a corporate restructuring process, in full compliance with the applicable law.

In any other cases, the sharing of personal information will be conditional upon the preliminary and explicit consent of the user, unless processing is allowed under an alternative legal basis.


Processing methods and security measures

Personal information of users is processed by the controller with it, automated and electronic tools and, in limited cases, by using documentary means. In accordance with the gdpr, specific security measures have been implemented to prevent data loss, unlawful or improper use, and unauthorized access.

Only authorized employees of the controller, and authorized employees of the third-party suppliers, acting as processors on behalf of the controller, have access to personal information related to the site activities. Data processing agreements are in place with the processors to ensure that they always meet the level of security required by the gdpr while processing personal information related to the site activities.

While the site adopts primary security measures to prevent loss, destruction or dissemination of personal information, at the same time it cannot exclude the safety risks that are naturally involved by online transmission of data. The user accepts the inherent risks of providing personal information over the internet and will not hold the site responsible for any breach of security, unless this breach is due to the site’s negligence or willful default.

Retention of personal information

The controller will store personal information for as long as it is needed to provide users and customers with the required services or to meet legal or tax obligations or for the minimum period prescribed by the law.

In order to determine the appropriate retention period for personal information stored by the site under user consent, the controllers will take into account multiple factors to ensure that personal information is not stored for longer than the necessary or appropriate period. Such criteria will also include:

-the purpose for which the site holds personal information;

-legal, tax and regulatory obligations in relation to that personal information;

-the type of ongoing relationship with the concerned user or customer (how often the user logs into their site account, whether users continue to receive marketing communications, how regularly they browse or buy on the site, etc.);

-any specific user request in relation to the deletion of personal information;

-legitimate business interests.

-the site will promptly delete or anonymize personal information that is no longer needed or retained according to the law.

-connection to third-party websites or platforms

-the site may contain banners, advertising messages and other links to third-party websites or platforms. The controller cannot control or be held responsible for the conduct of such third-party websites or platforms with respect to privacy law. Users are encouraged to read their privacy policies to verify how they collect and process personal information.

The rights of users

Users are entitled to receive confirmation as to whether the controller holds any personal information about them. If this is the case, under the gdpr, users also hold the rights to:

-be informed about the collection and use of their personal information

-access their personal information at no cost;

-have inaccurate personal information rectified, or completed (when it is incomplete);

-have personal information erased (“the right to be forgotten”);

-under specific conditions, obtain the restriction or suppression of their personal information;

-obtain and reuse their personal information for their own purpose across different services, when processing is based on a contract or on consent, and the processing is carried out by automatic means (“the right to data portability”);

-under specific conditions, to object to the processing of their personal information;

-object at any time to the use of personal information for “profiling” or “automated decision-making” purposes.

-the right to submit complaints related to the collection and processing of personal information to the competent supervisory authority;

-the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal information at any time.

-users can send email to us

Cookie policy

Changes to this privacy policy

Any future changes to this privacy policy will be posted on the site and, where appropriate, notified to users by email. Users are encouraged to read this privacy policy frequently to check for any updates or changes.

This cookie policy explains to users how the site adopts cookies and, furthermore, provides guidance as to how cookies can be managed.

This cookie policy should be read together with the privacy policy.

By continuing to browse or use the site, users agree to the use of cookies as described in this cookie policy

What cookies are

Cookies are small text strings that the site sends to the user's device, where information is memorized for various purposes.

In particular, cookies allow the site to recognize users on subsequent visits or enable other websites to recognize such users for particular purposes.

What kind of cookies the site uses

The site uses various types of cookies for different purposes:

Technical cookies

Technical cookies are cookies enabling users to browse on the site or to enjoy its basic features. These cookies are installed automatically on the user device by the site as a result of the user’s access to the site and do not require any specific consent by the user. Indeed, consent is not required by the law if and when a cookie is:

        used for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication; and

        strictly necessary in order for the provider of a digital service explicitly required by the user to provide that service.



Technical cookies used by the site include:

•    navigation cookies: to ensure the normal browsing and use of the site, through different options or services;

        functional cookies: to save user preferences and facilitate the browsing experience based on a set of selected criteria (for example, language, browser type, etc.).

The site also collects the ip address or any other identifying information on the user device that is necessary in order to manage the site, diagnose server problems and meet other lawful purposes.

Disabling technical cookies may limit the ability of users to browse the site and to enjoy its features or the services offered.



Other cookies

All cookies other than technical cookies are installed or activated only if previous consent by “opt-in” is given by users.

On their first visit to the site, users are shown a cookie banner on the screen or interface. This banner will disappear once the user has accepted or refused the cookies used on the site.

Opt-in may be expressed in a general way, for instance by closing the banner, or by clicking the ok button, or by scrolling the page or clicking on any of its elements; opt-in can be also provided in a selective way.

Opt-in given by users is tracked and recorded in order to make their next visits to the site more effective. However, users can always revoke all or part of the consents previously given.

The non-technical cookies used by the site are third-party cookies: cookies set up on the user’s device by a domain or website distinct from the site. Third party cookies are implemented by marketing vendors and partners of the site by the means of third party tags. The site does not control such cookies. The site does not have any access or control over cookies or other tracking technology used by third parties accessible by the site and cannot ensure compliance of third parties with the applicable privacy law.

        advertising cookies: these cookies allow the site to create an anonymous profile of users based on their browsing experience on this site and on others. In such a way, it is possible to provide users with advertisements targeted to their interests rather than generic advertising. This is a list of advertising cookies (it includes a link to more information on such cookies and the instructions to manage user consent):

Google, cloudflare, weborama.

       Retargeting cookies: these cookies allow third-parties to send advertising to users who have previously visited the site. This is a list of retargeting cookies (it includes a link to more information on such cookies and the instructions on how to manage user consent):

       Social media cookies: these cookies are needed to share content on social networks. This is a list of social media cookies (it includes a link to more information on such cookies and the instructions on how to manage user consent):

Pinterest, facebook, twitter, youtube.

       Analytical cookies: these cookies are collected by third parties, in individual or aggregated form, in order to collect information on the number of users and on how they visit the website, such as information on which pages or sections are most viewed. This is a list of analytical cookies (it includes a link to pages with more information on such cookies and the instructions on how to manage user consent):

Adobe site catalyst, google analytics, webtrekk.



The site uses cookies that do not allow for any control over the user's device and do not install programs on the user's device.

Browser preferences

Users can manage cookie preferences through their web browser settings:

        internet explorer





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